Aconex paves the way to Regina

The Regina Bypass is the largest public-private partnership (P3) infrastructure project in the history of Canada’s Saskatchewan Province. The completed asset will route traffic around the province’s capital city to improve safety, alleviate traffic in the city and stimulate growth throughout the region. When completed, the Regina Bypass will consist of 60 kilometers of a new and upgraded four-lane highway, 12 new overpasses, and 55 kilometers of new service roads. By using the P3 model, the government of Saskatchewan will save taxpayers $380 million, or more than 16% of the total project value, compared to a traditional approach. The P3 will operate and maintain the asset for 30 years.


Business challenges

  • Four joint venture partners with their own systems for project information management
  • Project size, complexity, visibility, and accountability to many public and private stakeholders
  • Requirement to track project information and processes throughout the lifecycle and audit the project at any time
  • Difficulty of managing emails and document versions without automated processes to ensure structure and accuracy


  • Independent, neutral, cloud-based platform for project-wide collaboration
  • Access to project data by all stakeholders, subject to the permission of the data owners
  • Visibility and control of all project documents, designs, communications, decisions, and approvals
  • Complete project audit trail for the 30-year operation and maintenance of the bypass
  • Culture of accountability across the entire project
  • Transparency of quality, safety, commercial, and environmental processes
  • Ready identification of bottlenecks and delays in project tasks and workflows
  • Optimization of the request for information (RFI) and change request processes
Published:July 2, 2018

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